Spectrum Spiritual Wellness | Autism
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My son was 7 when I stood outside a prominent university hospital feeling overwhelmed having been told he was diagnosed with autism and was profoundly mentally impaired.


The 5 years prior to this day (he came home when he was 2) doctors were saying he was developmentally delayed and suffering from the effects of sensory and emotional deprivation He had been born prematurely at 3 pounds and had spent the first 2 years of his life in an orphanage.


After being enrolled in an early childhood program at 3 years of age he had seen a multitude of physicians, therapists, and educators before the age of 10. All of the terminology and world of special education and services was unknown to me. During my first IEP meeting, I just sat and cried. My son did not speak so it was very difficult for him to communicate.

Going through this difficult time, I was always searching for support and guidance. I had a community group of parents of other children facing developmental challenges that I cherished and helped me a great deal during this time.


A very key aspect of my practice focuses on supporting parents, families, and caregivers. The impact of raising a special child on your personal life, marriage, and all relationships is tremendous. Through our work together you can experience support and peace to balance your experience of parenting and life with a child or teen on the spectrum of autism.