Spectrum Spiritual Wellness | Spectrum Spiritual Wellness
By assessing the energy centers within the body, Ann Brown provides a pathway for universal support to both increase energy where it is needed for optimal health and also to assist in shifting energy that is present in the body but no longer of service. Her sessions also include music, crystal /vibrational healing, and aromatherapy. As a medical intuitive, she identifies emotional and spiritual aspects of her clients that are present and intricately connected to their health and well being.
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Ann Brown

Keynote Speaker,
Autism Advocate,

Spectrum Spiritual Wellness provides mind body, spirit, support, for familes and children on the Autism spectrum.

Ann Brown, RN offers compassionate support for both families and children on the Spectrum. Her expertise is based on both personal experience and professional certifications, over the past 25 years of work in this field.

Ann is a keynote speaker, author, and a family mentor. Her expertise is heart-centered and focuses on the empowered family.

Treatment Areas

Through the years, Ann has experienced being a parent of a spectrum child, and what that means on an emotional and spiritual level. This experience is of great value to other parents on this path.
Her dedication to children and families is the foundation of her signature healing practice, “Mystic Heart Healing”


Spectrum Spiritual Wellness provides holistic strategies and alternative solutions for children on the Austism spectrum and with ADD, anxiety, and depression, as well as their caregivers.